Monday, December 3, 2012

THANKS and a little new information

This is Doug Wiken writing on behalf of Gary Coleman. Maybe you can get him to accept editing privileges here so he can write his own posts now that the election is over.

Anyway. Gary has sent many of his supporters in the district a thank you e-mail which caught the attention of the SD Democratic Party.

Gary also wishes to thank all those in our legislative district who took time to view this blog and talk to Gary Coleman as he campaigned. Gary just told me by phone that he learned a lot about the district and really had a good time and experience talking to many of the residents and voters in the district. Gotta be a good sign when somebody retired still admits to learning things.

Even though Gary did not win in the district (I think name recognition was a big factor), he wishes all who voted for him a big thank you and even to those who talked to him and then did not vote, thanks for the learning experience.

Now, something we promised to get in here weeks ago. Some important information is available for veterans and also people like me who have worked for too many years in developing a pot belly. The Veterans Administration is aware of the problems with weight and diet. The VA in Sioux Falls has put together what they call MOVE. Below is information from Gary Coleman concerning move:

I contacted April Ahrendt about MOVE! Good News! It is now online in video format.
Go to the following website:
Under the header--(click)SERVICES
Scroll to--MOVE--READ MORE(click)
Listings of all Lessons:
(click) on the one the one you want) 1) Be sure to view the INTRODUCTION first.
2) Although the order is not required, I recommend taking the lessons in the order given(for the most part)
3) However, You will find it helpful to do one of the exercise lessons in one of the first sessions. That way you can get started on regular exercise daily. Exercise is the key to making the nutrition program work for general health and well-being!

There are videos and PHD information instructions on the site. I suspect that downloading the phd files and the videos might be a good idea if you want some good information on diet and exercise that has worked for many veterans and ought to work for the rest of us too.

Finally, not sure what will come on this blog. But stay tuned. Gary has worthwhile things to say and write. I hope he will make continued use of this now that it is already running and known by a few readers already. Also, my thanks to Gary for letting me interpret is campaign here. Getting back into something close to actual campaigning again has been fun for me. --- Doug Wiken

Sunday, October 28, 2012

MDR Questionnaire Responses by Gary Coleman

Note: The Mitchell Daily Republic Saturday October 27,2012 issue printed Questionnaire responses of Legislative District 21 house candidates including Gary Coleman, Julie Bartling, Dave Scott, and Lee Qualm. Below are copied the MDR questions and the responses of Gary Coleman.

The election is Nov. 6. What personal qualities and/or experiences make you a good choice for election to the Legislature?

COLEMAN: I value honesty and dedication to whatever endeavor I undertake. I am a retired teacher. I have held leadership positions in my profession, church, community and the southeast South Dakota region. I currently serve on the Board of Directors for the Yankton Concert Association and the Sioux Falls Regional VA Tele-health Committee.

Please explain your stances on a few issues that you believe are most important to your race.

COLEMAN: Education and Economic Development. We have already created some .incentives for business and services to come to our state: business friendly taxes and a population of employees with a great work ethic. What's missing is a quality 21st century educational system. State government has systematically disassembled our educational structure. By cutting funding to draconian levels, we have created abnormally large class sizes, reduced necessary curriculum, and now have a severely underpaid and overworked teaching core who will likely "walk out" of their jobs en masse if things don't change for the better. As a result of this lack of support, our K-12 and college students will be getting a second-class education. Also, college level research, which is vital to our agriculture and other business economy, is being defunded. In addition to threatening our students' future, good business people will not likely look favorably to a state that doesn't have a skilled workforce or a business climate that is technologically forward looking. The fact is, education drives an economy.

What is your vision for the future of your legislative district?

COLEMAN: I would like to see the people of the 21st District well educated with the opportunity to live their lives economically secure and happy with the lives they live.

Responses of other candidates can be seen at the Daily Republic of Mitchell, or request copies if you desire them for comparison or other reason.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Campaign Notes October 14-22, 2012

This week was mostly West River which concluded Thursday evening with a Meet the Candidates event in Winner. It was a Q & A between the candidates and the audience. Topics included education funding, economic development incentives, property taxes, and tax fairness. Friday, I spent the entire morning checking signage condition, after 70+ mph winds swept our area. All but one sign escaped without harm. One sign at Burke went down. NO damage really, except broken wire. I will re-erect Monday AM with stronger wire.

Friday evening, I attended a Democratic meeting in Sioux Falls with Sen. Tim Johnson. We discussed final strategy for the last weeks. He wished us well, and offered some helpful advice. Saturday, I knocked on doors in Wagner. A beautiful, sunny, warm day. Most of the people were home, so it made for an even better day.

Nest week, I will again go door to door in Gregory, Colome, Burke, Dallas, and Lake Andes. I hope to be able to visit with some of you in those towns. I will also have a day of meetings in Sioux Falls, attending The South Dakota Veterans Council in the morning and the Sioux Falls Regional Telehealth Committee meeting in the afternoon. In the evening, I will be in Yankton for a Board of Directors meeting for the Yankton Concert Assn. We will be choosing the concert entertainment for the 2013-2014 season. I especially enjoy this particular meeting each year.

Well, I have got to get on to other work! So, I'll bid you farewell for now. Veterans, I will talk with you next time about a great program that is free called MOVE. If you need to lose weight, improve a diabetic condition, lower your blood pressure, or reduce cholesterol, this could really be of help. If you're interested now, check with your local VA Clinic or nearest VA Hospital.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Campaign Update-- October 3, 2012

This week I have canvassed Springfield and Avon on my 2nd journey through the District. Again, its been a pleasure to meet and converse with delightful, intelligent, and engaging voters. This campaign has been about meeting the voters and discovering the vast natural resources of the 21st District. It's been both an enlightening and educational experience. My thanks to the numerous voters who have given me their time and input on our state's pressing business at hand.

Next week, I plan to be canvassing Platte, SD and possibly Geddes, SD. I hope to be conversing with many of you in that area.

The past few weeks, I have placed 4'X4' road signs near Springfield, Avon, Dante, Wagner (also within), Lake Andes, Burke, and within Winner, SD on Hwy 18-east and west ends. My Thanks go out to Doug Koupal, Ron Hornstra, Bob Humphrey, Ray Soukup, Leo Soukup, Chuck and Dorothy Kemery, Lawrence Oliver, Lester and Joan Potocka, Louise Flisram, and one resident who desires remaining anonymous at this time. You have all graciously provided prominent space for these signs to be easily noticed by those passing.

While serving on the Sioux Falls Regional VA (Veterans Affairs) Telehealth Committee, I have been learning about some remarkable breakthroughs in health care for Veterans. One new medical field showing particular promise is Genomic Medicine. Genomic Medicine research seeks to analyze the composition of genes and DNA to determine a person's resistance or susceptibility to specific diseases. It also seeks to analyze a person's DNA to determine which medicines are compatible for treatment of specific ailments and also avoid damaging side effects. These are merely a few applications of this fascinating and promising study in modern medical science.


And Thanks Again for taking time to read this and meet with me. You are (or can be) a part of the campaign for better tomorrows in South Dakota.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

*** a District 21 Point of Interest

Traveling across the 100 or so miles of District 21 is obviously not quite like driving through Spearfish Canyon in the Black Hills, but the area is beautiful in many ways and has interesting points of interest. The Eagle areas near Fort Randall Dam are interesting and enjoyable. If you can take a few hours this time of year, the Missouri River reservoirs and hills may have some good fall colors soon. Photo below is from west looking over dam to east.
Photo below was taken just north of the eagle refuge.

These photos were taken near the Fort Randall Dam a couple of weeks ago. The links below provide more information.

South Dakota GF&P Randall Creek

US Government Karl E. Mundt Reserve

Take the time to vote early at your convenience with South Dakota's early voting options and then take a ride out into the "wilds" of Legislative District 21 for some photography and fun. More news coming on the next 30 days or so of campaigning.

*** Tripp County Veterans Memorial

I have spent most of this week campaigning in Winner, SD and rural Tripp County. Today I am on my way to Ideal, SD and Hamill, SD. This morning I took time to look at the Tripp County Veterans Memorial just south of the Tripp County Courthouse. The granite slabs have the names of hundreds of Tripp County men and women who have served in the US Armed Forces and Coastguard.
Click on image for a slightly larger version.

I will be back to the eastern edge of District 21 this afternoon. I met with the Tripp County Democrats on Thursday evening. Julie Bartling also attended. She is optimistic about SD Democratic candidate chances in the coming election. I hope she is right and we can represent the good people we have met in this district.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Jeep, My Cap, Me, and the Welcome to Winner

Beautiful day in Winner, SD today. I was campaigning in eastern Winner, but took time off for a sandwhich in the Winner Park which was really pleasant today. Then I drove out to the Welcome to Winner concrete sign and had my picture taken there like a tourist in front of Mt. Rushmore.
You can click on image for a larger version.

After the photo, it was back to telephone conference on health and more campaigning in Winner.

A post below had photos of the last two signs we put up in Winner. Below is a photo of the first sign I put up near my hometown of Dante, South Dakota, a couple weeks or so ago.

Please check back in the next few days, I am preparing a post concerning nutrition and obesity of potential veterans and veterans like myself. A lot of new information is available and much of it is free to veterans and anybody interested in better nutrition and/or weight lose. The unnecessary partisanship on these issues is detrimental of our individual health and also the health of our country. Also, I will have my new campaign schedule available so you can give me ideas or just say "Hello".

Monday, September 24, 2012

*** We get our signs to Winner, SD

I made it to the west end of District 21 Today and put up a couple of my signs along Highway 44 in Winner, SD. Thanks to my Democratic friends who happen to have some property along the highway where people can actually see them. I really don't know if signs like this change any opinions, but at least a few more people might connect the name on the sign with the name on my campaign hat.
Click on image for a larger version.

A few days ago I was campaigning near the Missouri River. We will get those images into a post tomorrow. I hope to meet more people in Winner, SD tomorrow.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Coming Soon...My second campaign swing through District 21

This week has been used to update and prepare for my final campaign swing through the entire district. Our contact map and routing has been formulated and is ready to go.

Ron Hornstra, Avon, and Glennis Stern, Armour, have donated some used signs. I am making them over with paint, and expect to start putting them up next week. Also next week, I expect to start my second canvass, beginning with Lake Andes.

I will be a busy time the next 6 weeks. It has been an extraordinary experience traveling throughout the district, meeting wonderful people, and taking particular pleasure in viewing some of the most spectacular landscape in the state. My second district canvass should be an even more rewarding experience, since I am more familiar with the 21st District.

I am looking forward to meeting and making more friends! More later! Gary

Monday, September 3, 2012

Quick Note on my Campaign Schedule

I will be campaigning in Colome, Gregory, and Burke, Wednesday through Friday! Georgia has mailed me a baseball cap, with my name and district ID embroidered into it, to use in my canvassing. I hope that helps you recognize me so I can get your ideas. ---- Gary

Gary Coleman video by SDPB-TV at U-Tube

South Dakota Public TV during elections makes videos of SD Candidates and shows them over time on SDPB-TV stations. SDPB-TV also allows candidates to use the videos the put on U-Tube on campaign sites like this. Below is the Gary Coleman video embedded. It will also be on the biographical information page to right.

SDPB-TV has all the videos of all the candidates at one place. You are welcome to compare mine with any of the others. Thanks for your attention. And thanks too SDPB-TV and Bob Bosse Director of Television

The SD Legislative Playlist from SDPB-TV (Gary Coleman is #40

The biographical information I provided to the South Dakota Secretary of State is also on the Biographic Page.

South Dakota could sure use rain and a little cool weather...if nothing else it would make it easier to talk to more of you...but of course, that is not the real need for weather improvement in South Dakota.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

South Dakota Ballot Issues at SOS

The SD daily papers provided notice that the South Dakota Secretary of State had an online and downloadable pamphlet on South Dakota Ballot issues. The website I found has information and information about information elsewhere on the web. Not sure how useful this is, but take a look and let us know.

SD Ballot Questions 2012

Note: The Actual Pamphlet --- PDF Pamphlet Issues Pro and Con

hat is about it for tonight. Note that a map of Legislative District 21 with a list of the towns and populations can be downloaded from the PAGE at right "About District 21"

Warning: Take anti-acid. anti-nausea, and aspirin medication before watching the GOP convention.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Campaign Update August 23, 2012

Friends and supporters:

I owe all of you an update! Over the past month I have been campaigning door-to-door in Bon Homme, Charles Mix, and Tripp Counties. I was in Winner(Tripp County) for a week campaigning. It was rewarding in that I enjoyed the beautiful landscape and met many wonderful people. While there I was invited to speak before the Tripp County Democrats. Those attending contributed nearly $400 toward my campaign.

Doug Wiken was gracious enough to volunteer to set up an online blog which should soon be up and running. I had a long and enlightening conversation with Doris Miner, a 16-year veteran of the South Dakota Legislature. I owe a special "thank you" to Wayne and Georgia Meyer who were my hosts for the week. Wayne is chairman of the group and proved to be a very savvy leader.

Gary Coleman and Wayner Meyer at Grossenburg 25th Anniversary

On August 21, I drove to Vermillion to tape a segment for the South Dakota Public Broadcasting TV program "Meet the Candidates." This week I finished the Lake Andes and Geddes area, and began canvassing Wagner.

With the election less than 2 months away, I believe I'm on track to complete 2 canvasses of the entire district. Then, it will be up to the voters to decide my fate! Thank you to all who have helped in numerous different ways. You have given me, additionally, morale boosts at several points along the journey.

With faith, hope, and love to all!


****** P S: Take a look at the pages in list at right*******